What is a Leader?

Ethan Nokes

English 1


What is a leader?

“Follow my lead, and we will make it through this cave safe and sound,” proudly states Ash. “But Ash what if we fall in a trap,” Billy says frightened. “There’s nothing to worry about when I’m up front Billy. Everything will be alright don’t worry,” Ash states courageously. Just like Ash a great leader must know how to keep his followers under control. To keep the people that trust in the leader sane the leader must be calm and tough no matter how hard the going gets.

Being calm is key to being the best leader one can be. For example, when the commander is leading his troops into battle, he is calm so his fellow fighters can be strong as well as calm along with him. For many of us, being calm in dangerous situations is impossible, but leaders must step up to the plate and be nearly fearless to keep everyone under control. In addition, I once had to be that leader that had to stay calm for my sister’s sake. Tending to the animals in the pasture, my sister and I notice a bull looking at us with fury in it’s eyes. Right before my sister screams I tell her to get out of the pasture very slowly. Too often, people will get injured or killed for not keeping cool in dangerous situation. Therefore, leaders are what keep people safe with their ability to stay calm under pressure.

Great leaders also need to be tough so they can set an example for the weak. For example, the big brother must be tough to protect his little brother or sister. For many of us, keeping our siblings or friends safe is a top priority, and to keep them safe a leader must stay tough through thick and thin. In addition, the lighting fast swordsman of a group it tough to intimidate others away from the group. We also, must be tough even if we aren’t a leader so we can keep a group safe. Therefore, being tough can be the deciding factor of life our death.

    “See I told you we would make it,”says Ash. “Yeah you’re right I don’t know why I doubted you,”says Billy. A great leader must be both calm and tough so that a group will be as fearless as the leader.

Dealing with Extreme Emotions

Ethan Nokes

English 1


Dealing with extreme emotions

It’s Christmas day and the children wake up from their sleep. They both look out the window and see snow. Then the go to their parents and begin to jump on the bed out of excitement. Extreme emotions can sometimes be good, but it is important to deal with them. If, people can deal with extreme emotions it can help people get along a lot better. It is important to deal with extreme emotions because it can make situations go smoother and it can make life easier.

Dealing with extreme emotions such as anger and depression can make situations go smoother. For example, I know that anger has torn myself and my friends apart. The two buddies will better understand one another, and deal with the rage without fighting. Two guys will tend to argue with each other if they are both angry at two completely different topics or if they are angry at each other. In addition, the dude cave can have a more peaceful environment if they just stay calm and leave their drama at the door. The guys won’t have to worry about the one guy who is depressed because he lost his girlfriend, and they can focus on having fun as a group or two individuals. Friends should always be nice to each other because if they don’t who will. Anger and depression can be enough to end a friendship, and it is the person’s job with the emotions to make sure that doesn’t happen. Situations run a whole lot smoother if anger and depression are dealt with before hand.

Dealing with extreme emotions like happiness and excitement can also make life easier. For example, it can keep someone calm. By dealing with excitement the kids can be stress free, and no one likes stress. The guy who is always nice can keep control of his actions, and be a fun person to hang out with. Nobody wants to be the person that is always over excited. In addition, friends can have fun without being so happy that they are jumping off the walls. It’s important to talk to friends about happy times in life, but don’t bring the whole group to a point where they ignore the guy because they are annoyed. People can stop bringing their life problems to the party and leave them at home. They can just have fun with spending time with their friends. Even though some emotions are very important people need to deal with them before hanging out with their friends.

The parents smile at each other and tell the children to calm down. Then they all go to the living room to open presents. Extreme emotions are important in everyday life, and everyone needs to know how to deal with them. It is important to deal with extreme emotions because it can make situations go smoother and it can make life easier.


Cell Phone’s Impacting People’s lives

Ethan Nokes

English 1


Cell phone’s impacting people’s lives

“Sure Alice I’ll text her”said Joe. “Aren’t you driving though”replies Alice. Who cares Alice”exclaims Joe. Joe smashes his finger into the end call button and begins to text Amy. Although phones are great most text savvy girls and guys don’t realize how much they impact our lives. Most drivers text and drive, and a few don’t make it to their destination. Cell phone’s impact the lives of everyone who has one because they offer quick communication and they distract.

Cell phones are a great source of fast and easy communication because of phone calls and texting. For example, phone call allow best friends to talk to each other without having to wait until school. A lot of friends love spending time together, and cell phones help by communication by the press of a button or touch screen. In addition, texting let couples talk/type all night. Texting is the most popular thing since sliced bread came about. Texting today occupies the time of many boys and girls, but it gives and takes away from many things. It gives by allowing quick communication, but it takes away from homework and other school activities.

Cell phones can be evil and distract us from the road or even teachers lessons. For example, many teens and even adults text, drive, and crash. While phones help with communication they also end or injure the lives of many. For those who love to text and drive it can wait. Cell phones can and will be a huge distraction while driving. In addition, on the less dangerous side of distractions kids will be tempted to play flappy bird or some other game while a teacher is doing a lesson. Some teens can’t get enough of the games on their cell phones. Some popular games that tempt kids and teens are clash of clans, subway surfers, and dragon city. These games are addictive and can be a great distraction in class. Even though teens need to check their dragons and gather their resources they need to wait for the right time. Cell phones have many tricks up their sleeves to distract us from important things like driving and class.

Honk Honk! Joe swerves into a tree and punches the air bag with his head. He steps out of the car and feels the blood on his forehead with his hand. He realizes he will never text and drive again. Phones are great to have, but we can’t let them ruin our lives. Cell phones can offer quick communication and they distract people.


The Sword Poem

Ethan Nokes

English 1


The Sword

You might just think I’m just

a fourteen-year-old boy

with brown hair

and hazel eyes

But I know I am more

way more than that

not a dancer or singer

not a cat or dog

A sword

a dull, dirty sword

When I don’t think straight

or not at all

When I’m sad and down in the dumps

I am a broken sword


men unarmed

wanting protection

But when I am happy

my metal is reforged

The men now having the confidence to win

as they charge into battle

I become a fast slicing sword

with aerodynamic proficiency

surprising everyone with my quick movements

swinging left, right, up, and down

showing the enemy no mercy

Then when the battle is over

I get in my sheath

and wait until I am needed once more

The brown haired, hazel eyed boy

is a sword

a broken, dull, fast swinging sword